introduces revenue sharing program. We will share 90% of our advertising revenue to the members who contribute content in various section of this site, subject to conditions.
How this program works ?
You can post content in various sections of this site. For example, you can post article, blogs or discussion topics in resources section. Or, submit the details of your college and upload few photos in the colleges section. We get advertising revenue from the Google AdSense advertisements in each page of this site. You will get 90% of the AdSense revenue from the pages you posted, subject to approval of the content.
How to participate in the revenue sharing program ?
To participate in this program, you must create a Google AdSense account through us or associate your existing AdSense account with us. After approval from Google and team, we will start using your Google AdSense accounts in the content pages contributed by you. When revenue is generated from the pages posted by you, Google will divide the revenue between you and You will get 90% of the revenue and we will get remaining 10%.
How revenue sharing works for pages with content from multiple contributors ?
There are few sections where multiple members contribute to the same page. Some examples are Forum and Ask Experts sections. In case of a forum thread, there could be several people posting answers and responses to the thread. In such case, we distribute the AdSense usage to all the members contributed in the page based on the total points received by each member. The higher the points you received in the page, the higher the chances of using your AdSense account. For example, if the total points earned by all members together in a thread is 100 and your points are 25 from 1 or more responses, then your AdSense account will be used 25% of the page views.
How long you will get the revenue ?
You will get the revenue from your content pages for a period of 1 year from the date you posted the specific content.
In addition to your content pages, you will get revenue from your profile page as long as you are an active member of this site.
Tracking the Revenue and receiving payment
You can track your revenue through your AdSense account in Google AdSense website or through the control panel in Google will send your portion of the revenue directly to you. has no control or access on your AdSense account with Google, other than retrieving the reports.
Terms & Conditions
How this program works ?
You can post content in various sections of this site. For example, you can post article, blogs or discussion topics in resources section. Or, submit the details of your college and upload few photos in the colleges section. We get advertising revenue from the Google AdSense advertisements in each page of this site. You will get 90% of the AdSense revenue from the pages you posted, subject to approval of the content.
How to participate in the revenue sharing program ?
To participate in this program, you must create a Google AdSense account through us or associate your existing AdSense account with us. After approval from Google and team, we will start using your Google AdSense accounts in the content pages contributed by you. When revenue is generated from the pages posted by you, Google will divide the revenue between you and You will get 90% of the revenue and we will get remaining 10%.
How revenue sharing works for pages with content from multiple contributors ?
There are few sections where multiple members contribute to the same page. Some examples are Forum and Ask Experts sections. In case of a forum thread, there could be several people posting answers and responses to the thread. In such case, we distribute the AdSense usage to all the members contributed in the page based on the total points received by each member. The higher the points you received in the page, the higher the chances of using your AdSense account. For example, if the total points earned by all members together in a thread is 100 and your points are 25 from 1 or more responses, then your AdSense account will be used 25% of the page views.
How long you will get the revenue ?
You will get the revenue from your content pages for a period of 1 year from the date you posted the specific content.
In addition to your content pages, you will get revenue from your profile page as long as you are an active member of this site.
Tracking the Revenue and receiving payment
You can track your revenue through your AdSense account in Google AdSense website or through the control panel in Google will send your portion of the revenue directly to you. has no control or access on your AdSense account with Google, other than retrieving the reports.
Terms & Conditions
To participate in this program, you must create a Google AdSense account through or associate your existing AdSense account with
Your AdSense account registration is subject to approval from Google
We will start using your AdSense account Ads in your content pages only after we approve your revenue sharing account.
We will review and approve your revenue sharing account only after you post few resources. We will review your posts and verify the quality of your resources. Only if we find that you can contribute valuable content to, we will approve your account and allow you to participate in the revenue sharing program.
If you do not login to this site for a continuous period of more than 30 days, your revenue sharing account will be temporarily put on hold until you login to this site again. When your account is on hold, you will not earn revenue.
We will show Ads using your AdSense account in your content pages for a period of 1 year from the date you posted the specific content. After 1 year, we will extend the ads on case to case basis. We will consider extending this more than 1 year.
If your account is banned by Google, we will immediately stop serving Ads using your account.
If you click yourself on the Ads in your content pages, we will report to Google and terminate your account.
If you request anyone to click on Ads in your content pages, we will report to Google and terminate your account.
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